In Incotec we maintain a commitment to constant improvement and innovation in processes. In this sense, we have official certifications and, likewise, we conduct internal initiatives that help to achieve objectives.
- We have self-control model in every one of the phases of the project.
- We hold regular meetings to improve our control system.
- We have an internal management production system fully computerized.
- We have a separate department of quality control that works completely independent of the productive area.
The result is a structure “without leak” that is responsible for all processes to offer a total guarantee to the customers.

ISO 9001 certification
Our management system of quality meets the requirements defined in the UNE-EN ISO 9001.

CEKAL certification, in progress
Incotec is working to become certified in the specific sector of CEKAL.
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33162 Morcín | Asturias | España
T: (+34) 985 796 081 | F: (+34) 985 796 540